COLABELS is the full-service AI music label that’s dedicated to innovating how music is woven into branding and influencer marketing.

By blending the inspirational essence of brands, influencers, and campaigns, we co-create hits that are uniquely designed for the modern, visual-first campaign environment.

In an ecosystem where the right tune can determine the success of a campaign, we directly address the challenges faced by influencers, brands, and platforms:
Influencers gain an additional source of income through custom tracks that are not only in sync with their personal brand but also grant them full copyright ownership, enhancing their creative autonomy and financial rewards.

For brands, COLABELS simplifies the complicated journey through copyright legislation, providing a liberating alternative to the expensive and risky business of traditional music licensing, thereby unleashing original marketing potential.
And as for platform-royalty disputes, our approach aims to smooth over the ongoing quarrels between social media giants and major music labels. We deliver a variety of original, appealing, and fully-licensed music, ensuring unhindered access to premium tracks on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

With COLABELS, your content and campaigns won’t just feature any music—they will be powered by anthems that resonate across all major platforms, including TikTok, iTunes, and Spotify.

Boost your brand's reach and revenue with COLABELS